Figyelmeztetések, Ryes

Fire danger

3. 13. de. 12:09 0:09 – 3. 14. de. 12:00 0:00

Special Weather Statement issued March 12 at 8:09PM EDT by NWS Raleigh NC Minimum relative humidity values between 20 and 30 percent and dry fuels will promote increased fire danger on Thursday. Outdoor burning is discouraged. If you must burn, use extreme caution since fires can grow quickly and become dangerous in these conditions. Ensure that fire suppression equipment is readily available. Properly extinguish and dispose of any smoking materials.

National Weather Service

A következő 24 óra

Világ időjárása ma

Legmelegebb és leghidegebb

Min Max

Saját időjárás


Időjárás: Észak-Karolina