Figyelmeztetések, Holley Junior - Senior High School

Coastal event

9. 28. de. 10:00 10:00 – 9. 28. du. 10:00 22:00

Beach Hazards Statement issued September 28 at 3:40AM EDT until September 28 at 6:00PM EDT by NWS Buffalo NY * WHAT...Strong currents and dangerous swimming conditions expected. * WHERE...Beaches of Niagara and Orleans counties. * WHEN...Through this afternoon. * IMPACTS...Strong currents and dangerous swimming conditions. Stay out of the water to avoid dangerous swimming conditions.

National Weather Service

A következő 24 óra

Világ időjárása ma

Legmelegebb és leghidegebb

Min Max

Saját időjárás


Időjárás: New York