11. 12. de. 11:00 11:00 – 11. 12. du. 8:59 20:59
Moderate rain warning. Litoral de Barcelona One-hour accumulated precipitation: 20 mm. Be aware, keep up to date with the latest weather forecast. Moderate damages to people and properties may occur, especially to those vulnerable or in exposed areas.
AEMET. Agencia Estatal de MeteorologíaThunderstorm
11. 12. de. 11:00 11:00 – 11. 12. du. 8:59 20:59
Moderate thunderstorm warning. Litoral de Barcelona Be aware, keep up to date with the latest weather forecast. Moderate damages to people and properties may occur, especially to those vulnerable or in exposed areas.
AEMET. Agencia Estatal de MeteorologíaA következő 24 óra
Világ időjárása ma
+11° 52°
+9° 48°
+11° 52°
+10° 50°
+6° 43°
+11° 52°
+4° 39°
+2° 36°
+1° 34°
+26° 79°
Legmelegebb és leghidegebb
Guasdualito, Βενεζουέλα
+37.7° 100°
Lethem, Γουιάνα
+36.6° 98°
Llaillay, Χιλή
+35° 95°
San Cristóbal Acasaguastlán, Γουατεμάλα
+32° 90°
Santa Fe de Antioquia, Κολομβία
+26° 79°
Ulaangom, Μογγολία
-7.9° 18°
Sachs Harbour, Καναδάς
-19.2° -3°
Tahe, Κίνα
-20.9° -6°
Anaktuvuk Pass, Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες της Αμερικής
-27° -17°
Verkhoyansk, Ρωσία
-39.9° -40°